NAND Flash Product - PCIe - IMP2BAB5E2A2A1I3B4A0000

PCIe Gen3x2 - 480GB - PCIe BGA 345 Ball - PCIe BGA 345 Ball
Part number IMP2BAB5E2A2A1I3B4A0000
Category PCIe
Subcategory PCIe Gen3x2
Form factor PCIe BGA 345 Ball
Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Capacity 480GB
Family Silver
Intelligent Memory NAND Flash PCIe

NAND Flash Products - PCIe

Intelligent Memory’s PCIe family provides high performance in a broad range of capacity options, designed to meet the rigorous expectations of demanding applications in industrial and commercial spaces. Available in multiple form factors and optimized for performance, our PCIe products offer extended S.M.A.R.T. lifetime monitoring functionality and power loss protection.

Our NAND products are JEDEC-compliant and tested in house to analyse performance, endurance, and reliability. Want to know more? These test results are added to our data sheets and are available to customers as needed.