DRAM Components - DDR4

Thanks to its higher density options, lower voltage requirements, and higher data transmission speeds, the DDR4 is a top choice in industrial markets. Well suited for demanding applications, Intelligent Memory’s DDR4 delivers up to 40% power savings and up to double the bandwidth of previous-generation memory.

Whether you need 32Gb or 4Gb of capacity, IM’s got you covered. Look for longevity, full support, and fully tested and compliant memory products for your commercial and industrial applications.
Intelligent Memory DDR4 Components

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DDR4 Components
Density  Org Max Speed
(Data Rate Mbps)
Packages *Temperature ECC AEC-Q100
32Gb x8, x16 1600MHz (3200Mbps) FBGA-78, FBGA-96 Commercial, Industrial N Contact IM
16Gb x4, x8, x16 1600MHz (3200Mbps) FBGA-78, FBGA-96 Commercial, Industrial N Contact IM
8G x8, x16 1600MHz (3200Mbps) FBGA-78, FBGA-96 Commercial, Industrial N Contact IM
4Gb x8, x16 1333MHz (2666Mbps) FBGA-78, FBGA-96 Commercial, Industrial N Contact IM

*Commercial = 0°C to +95°C  /  Industrial = -40°C to +95°C  /  High = -40°C to +105°C

Key features
  • 4Gb through 32Gb are available
  • 16Gb components available in x4 organization in FBGA-78 package
  • Double data rate clocking timing, 1.2V Power Supply
  • Supported Data Bus Inversion (DBI)
  • Supported Write Cycle Redundancy Check (CRC)
  • Supported Dynamic ODT (On Die Termination)
  • Supported Fine Granularity Refresh Mode
  • High speed data transfer up to 3200MHz