NAND Flash Product - PATA/CF - IMPACFA5F1B1A3C1A5A0000

PATA - 16GB - CF Card - CF Card
Part number IMPACFA5F1B1A3C1A5A0000
Category PATA/CF
Subcategory PATA
Form factor CF Card
Temperature 0°C to +70°C
Capacity 16GB
Family Emerald
Intelligent Memory Compact Flash PATA

NAND Flash Products - PATA/CF

Intelligent Memory’s PATA CF (Compact Flash) cards offer broad compatibility, exceptional reliability, and unmatched performance, providing your applications with the most ideal storage solution. With extended S.M.A.R.T. functionality and power loss protection, our NAND products are equipped with high-quality hardware and industrial-grade firmware and are offered with a variety of customizations.

All Intelligent Memory products come with a full range of tools and technical support, including a workload generator, live performance evaluator, and lifetime monitoring.