The proliferation of data for businesses and individuals has upped the ante for data security, making it a critical piece of all security strategies. Organizations often focus their time and budget on physical and network security,…
Technology, Products
DRAM is critical for many modern digital ecosystems, particularly to drive computational workloads. However, though DRAMs excel in fast data access, they grapple with data integrity challenges. Specifically, flipped bits cause data…
Company & PR, Technology, Products
IM is a memory and storage manufacturer that has been designing products for high-performance industrial applications since 1991. With a history spanning over three decades, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner for industrial…
Social Post, Technology, Products, Company & PR, Media
The latest developments in hot markets like IoT, AI, and consumer electronics continue to drive the need for new memory product innovations. But are memory suppliers running the risk of leaving customers short of legacy products needed for…
Company & PR, Media, Technology, Products
Intelligent Memory extends its portfolio of low-power products with its new LPDDR4x SDRAMs, the extended version according to the JEDEC specification.
Company & PR, Products
Intelligent Memory is pleased to announce its strategic partnership with Synergistic Sales, a well-established manufacturer representative serving the states of Illinois and Wisconsin. The partnership is expected to bring a new level of…
Company & PR, Products
In today's fast-paced technological landscape, the demand for higher processing power and memory capacity is skyrocketing, presenting both exciting opportunities and unique challenges. As we push the boundaries of innovation, one challenge…
Social Post, Products, Technology
**Deutsche Fassung** IM hat eine Vertriebspartnerschaft mit Mouser Electronics geschlossen. Im Zuge dieser Vereinbarung sind nun fast 100 DRAM- und NAND-Flash-Speicher sowie ausgewählte DRAM-Module von Intelligent Memory weltweit über die…
Company & PR, Products
IM has announced a global distribution agreement with Mouser Electronics. With this agreement, close to 100 DRAM, NAND flash memories and selected DRAM modules from Intelligent Memory are now available globally on Mouser's online…
Company & PR, Products